European Union
Hustro Sp. z o.o. implements the project “Hustro – Development and commercialization of a system supporting the supervision of the construction site in terms of the process of identification, removal and exchange of documentation concerning deviations from a quality, health and safety and environmental standards”.
Project aim: Development and commercialization of a system supporting supervision at the construction site. It will enable engineers, builders, administrators and lawyers to cooperate more effectively by exchanging documents, photos and comments within one platform.
The value of the project is PLN 1,100,000
Co-financing value: PLN 880,000

Hustro Sp. z o.o. implements the project no. POIR.03.03.03-14-0032 / 20 pt. “Expansion of the Hustro brand to foreign markets through the implementation of an industry promotion program” co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under sub-measure 3.3.3 “Support for SMEs in the promotion of product brands – Go to Brand” of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020.
The subject of the project is the implementation of promotional trips through participation in the Hustro trade fairs, as well as building and strengthening the position of the brand on the international market. As part of the tasks carried out in the Go to Brand program, the beneficiary intends to appear as an exhibitor at fairs and exhibitions taking place in Europe, North America and Asia. By promoting your products in the above-mentioned In places, it is planned to establish cooperation with many potential customers. The dissemination of the offer on foreign markets will increase exports and drive the company’s development. The applicant chose 5 target markets, including 2 promising ones, to present their product.
Total project value: PLN 455,566.00
Value of eligible expenses: PLN 113,891.50
Co-financing of the project from the European Union: PLN 341 674.50