App for Installation and Engineering Companies
Implementing advanced installations on a construction site is a task that requires not only high technical knowledge but also precise and efficient communication. Our specialized tools are the key to increasing the efficiency of your team. With them, you will not only minimize the risk of errors but also save time and resources.

Are you facing these challenges?
Working with outdated documentation frustrates the team and reduces project margins?
Reporting issues in Excel or email takes up too much of the team’s time?
Assigning repairs requires additional email communication with subcontractors?
It’s difficult to determine what and when will be done or repaired?
Reporting the progress of work to the general contractor is stressful and troublesome?
The general contractor is looking for reasons not to pay for the work done?
Popular application

Conducting inspections with the general contractor
Effective collaboration with both the general contractor and subcontractors using ready-made templates
Managing defects during implementation
Instant reporting of any defects and precise communication among all involved parties. Regardless of the chosen method of communication with the contractors, the application will help maintain order in the information exchange and adhere to established deadlines.
Management of project documentation
Efficient collaboration with both the general contractor and subcontractors using ready-made templates
Documenting the state of work
Fast and organized documentation of the state of work, such as concealed installations, will help avoid misunderstandings and ensure that the documentation is comprehensive.
Process Automation

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Recommended modules

Inspections and Acceptances
Create simple checklists with industry documentation. Conduct inspections and acceptances from your phone, assigning tasks for completion. Our system will quickly generate the necessary reports!

Defects and Non-conformities
Report a defect within 30 seconds, marking its location on the current drawing, and adding photos and videos. Assign the task to subcontractors and team members.

Document management
Updating and sharing documents has never been so easy. Just upload the files, and our system will take care of the rest automatically.

Task management
Quickly create and assign tasks to team members and subcontractors. Track work remotely based on area, quantity, and deadlines. Collect documentation of completed work and generate reports within seconds.
Time and Money Savings
Your team will spend less time on information gathering or updating project documentation. During inspections alone, saving over 60% of time spent on administration and communication, allowing you to focus on priorities.
Efficient Management
Structured information allows for rapid work efficiency analysis, report preparation, or meeting organization. You can easily identify the project’s major risks and plan appropriate corrective or preventive actions.
Business Security
Hustro will help you easily ensure timeliness and proper communication with contractors and the team. In case of a dispute with the contracting company, you can easily find all information arranged in an easy-to-analyze manner.
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Our consultants will help plan the implementation and train the team on-site. You don’t have to worry about it!
App for Investors and Developers
App for General Contractors
App for Investment Supervision
App for Installation and Engineering Companies
App for Property Owners and Managers
Observations, defects and incidents
Inspections, reviews and walkthroughs
Analytics and Reporting
Task Management
Document Management
Health & Safety Management
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